@Ratcaller @nixnoux Holy smokes, that sounds like a terrible experience! Back injuries are never fun. Glad you got outta it ok!
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Joined on 9/3/08
@Ratcaller @nixnoux Holy smokes, that sounds like a terrible experience! Back injuries are never fun. Glad you got outta it ok!
It taught me a lot. Gotta go through turmoil from time to time, it makes life better, and I'm thankful for it~
but, uh, yea, that posture thing will seriously mess you up at some point. thus, lift with your legs and all that jazz ;D
also constant pain makes a person a miserable fuck to be around. I've gained some understanding~
Crippled? What happened?
I hurt my lower back, then exacerbated it cause I had never dealt with such before. I'm used to pushing through, plus I was 27 at the time. It got bad. At my worst, the pain ran down the back of my leg to my toes. Pain was constant. I had little to no comfort. I would only be able to walk 15 feet before having to take a break, or lay on the ground (pain scale was a 5 to 7). I would park as close to my house after work, come in and fall on the floor. Then get to my room and be unable to get an ice pack cause it was too heavy and too far. Absolutely miserable experience. There was no end in sight.
Thankfully, after a trip to the ER due to excessive pain (I had been trying a chiropractor and physical therapy), they got me to go to a spine specialist, who then sent me to a pain specialist. I got two shots in my back over a few month period. This helped immensely, and through stretching, proper posture, and slow activity, I am now 100%~ ;D
Moral of the story: Posture is apparently super important (its been weird getting used to sitting up straight) the human body is kinda shit, but if you're gonna mess yourself up, the younger the better. ;D
oh, and the back shots areeee weirrrddddddd. like being injected with snakes :D hahahaha ow