......wut......uhh, I suppose this is a comic, which, overall, well drawn and colored. But this is more or less a trailer for a different medium. Not my taste, due to baby revulsion, but....ya slideshowed a thing.....
......wut......uhh, I suppose this is a comic, which, overall, well drawn and colored. But this is more or less a trailer for a different medium. Not my taste, due to baby revulsion, but....ya slideshowed a thing.....
hahah nice ending~ The colors and lil scooty foots were perfection~
Dang foe, your hands and poses are so goooood~ plus, love me that crystal castle goodnessss~ I dig your art, I'll have to check out comic~
oh man that way great~ sweet rhymes, and plus true fuckery. time to go out, level up, and burn corporations.
niceee~ all solid! great emotes and flow of animation, your practice has paid off greatly!
who doesn't like dicks?
great sounds, and solid member ;D
holy shit this is amazing, and looks like its barely holding together but that ups its charm~
winter is dead. LONG LIVE SUMMER
slather them titty twists in spiral ham and I know them balls dunk it.
fabulous colab~ loved it ;3
join my bike gang
Joined on 9/3/08