hahahaha perfect~
hahahaha perfect~
hahahah oh man this was excellent. the toad voice was so fucking accurate, then paired with great animation, color choice, and story, made it all ace. awesome stuff~
dude yer videos are kickass, they get me laughing, and thats a rare awesome find~
yoooo, Mark M, you are super pro in all you do, this was fantastic voice work.
Ace animation, very unsettling, I enjoyed all of it~
the mouth animations made this excellent~ great exagerations
The mouth is where T belongs
gimme that titty
nothing like a sudden terminator opening.
holy shit, that middle was rad. very kickass perspective shift. That animation cranked up quick, and I loved it. solid stuff
hahaha dude these are great~ fabulous red strategy. Mine was always the corners with the lil boat somewhere in the middle of the sea. worked extremely well.
4 out of five farts
*breathes deeply*
hahahaha great ending, the character designs were dynamic and interesting. fabulous work~
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