was eh on the story, but the music fuckin rocked~
was eh on the story, but the music fuckin rocked~
Thanks for watching, glad you enjoyed the tunes! \m/
holy crap, that was so freaking good! damn dude, fantastic job~ great parody~
Thanks! Hope I can do many more cuz I've got tons on standby!
The dead deer was the best part, Shay-Ki did a killer job with that angst voice. I was impressed with the mixed media aspect, but a bit more polish was needed. Understandably tho, you did this in a time constraint.
Glad you enjoyed! I agree, it ideally would have been a tad more polished. We had fun with it, though.
Yeah lol, we had to make this hella quick and we barely made it by the skin of our teeth! I would polish this up more, but that'd feel dishonest. I can promise, however, that whatever we make next will be given a proper amount of time.
hahaha good motion~ needed some sound, but you already know that. congrats on the internet achievement~
Thanks a lot, I will definitely come up with something a bit more articulated in the future <3
oh I loved this~ the scenes transitioned so well~ very fun artwork and enjoyable dialog. Great work~ you did lovely with little highlights, I had to watch it twice to fully soak in your detail
Ayyy, thank you sooo much man!!! Your feedback makes me really happy and I'm really glad u liked it!
you got them key frames, I just want more of the inbetween for smoother emotion. But its very cute~ water table slaps are where its at
yeah i need work on the inbetweens thanks oh and sorry fro the late reply but i might go back in do that :3
slather them titty twists in spiral ham and I know them balls dunk it.
loved it, the style and method you took. around how many drawings did you have to create? regardless, sweet animation~
apologies for the late response. Seems like it was just under a hundred individual drawings for this. Drew all these parts in clipstudiopaint, animated them in flash
the mouth animations made this excellent~ great exagerations
The mouth is where T belongs
4 out of five farts
*breathes deeply*
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Joined on 9/3/08